I am writing from beautiful Boulder, Colorado where at the end of October we are enjoying temperatures in the mid to high seventies and a weekly forecast that ranges from low 40's to high 60's. Mountain living at its finest. It seems strange to be living in a place where winter actually brings much excitement to an entire community of active outdoor enthusiasts! But then again, I don't believe winter here will be anything like enduring the long deep freeze that is a typical Midwest winter!
As I try to imagine what the change of seasons will be like in this new city I began to contemplate how I got here. I was thinking about all the changes I have personally gone through the last six years since my initial move from Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2012. On this path of observation I discovered there are two very important components that help us make the most of life; Curiosity (reflection); a desire to LEARN more and Openness (action); a desire to DO more. What happens when a curious mind isn't matched by an openness to experience is Reflection Without Action.
Often times we get stuck in one or the other. If we are stuck in Curiosity (reflection) only, we remain trapped by the limitations of our own mind, unable to expand and grow beyond our preexisting belief system. No real development occurs. When we are stuck in Openness (action) only, we find ourself doing more and more, moving fast but we end up experiencing intellectual stagnation and end up not moving in the right direction. When the cognitive and the physical are split - when Curiosity and Openness to experience do not coexist we are unlikely to fulfill our potential for success or happiness. We may somehow navigate through all that life throws at us but we are unlikely to innovate a better life for ourselves. We are able to Survive, but unlikely to Thrive. How we grow is created by the loop between Reflection & Action.
This brings me back to my current situation that brought me to Boulder. An opportunity that was presented to me that is so big (and most definitely life changing) that my initial response was to decline it. Upon evaluation, I found wrapped up in my initial response was fear. Fear of failure, fear of not being good enough/smart enough, fear of the unknown and fear of what I would leave behind in Milwaukee. The fear instantly took over my innate curiosity. Then I heard my Psychology Professors voice in my head...."LEARN TO FAIL OR FAIL TO LEARN". The primary barrier that lies in the path to Openness is the fear of failure.
Hope to see you somewhere along the path on this incredible journey!
"The best moments usually occur when a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile".
~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi